Week 2 Homework
Your homework this week:
1. Watch the “Behind the Scenes” video (linked from Month 1 overview)
2. Explore other stories of women who have found their authentic selves. Here are some of my favorite books. Don’t feel you have to order them all — just pick ONE to dive into for this week.
– “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed: Movie or book. I vastly preferred the book. You can get it for $4 used on Amazon.)
– “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert: Movie or book. I didn’t see the movie but I heard good things about it. You can get the book for $.01 used on Amazon.)
– “Gift from the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Book is a classic woman in search of authentic self memoir. You can get it for $.01 on Amazon.
– “The Pull of the Moon” by Elizabeth Berg: Are you so distanced from yourself that you don’t even know what you want for dinner? The heroine of this novel is your soul sister! Fast, fun read. I stayed up all night to finish it! Available on Amazon for $.01.
3. Print out one or more of the inspiring quotes I’ve been posting on my Facebook feed in graphic format. Tape it to the inside of your notebook (you DO have a notebook??). Or download the digital version and make it your screensaver!
4. Continue with your daily small joys.